
CNTF Offices will close June 19th at 1pm - in observance of Juneteenth

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This week Governor Cuomo signed an executive order recognizing Juneteenth as a holiday for New York State employees.

In acknowledgement and support of this action, Canandaigua National Trust Company (CNTF) and our parent company, Canandaigua National Bank & Trust (CNB), will be closing its branches and all offices on Friday, June 19th at 1pm in observance of Juneteenth – the commemoration of the end of slavery in the United States.

This time will allow the opportunity for our employees to join members of our communities who are participating in celebrations and events in the area. Recognizing this as a time for reflection, CNB will also provide our employees access to information and education on the significance of this day in history, as well as educational resources regarding diversity, equity and inclusion.

“Please join me in using this time to reflect, learn and listen on how we can bring an end to our nation’s inequities and advance real change, said CNB President and CEO Frank H. Hamlin, III. We can do better, and we will”.

Posted by Kelly Sheridan at 06/18/2020 04:07:58 PM 
