
Canandaigua National Trust Company Business Continuity

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We would like to provide you with an update on our commitment to maintaining all Canandaigua National Trust Company functions during this period of uncertainty. Canandaigua National Trust Company is committed to providing you with the exceptional service you have come to expect from us, throughout this challenging time.

Our business continuity plans were established and tested specifically to address situations such as this, and our employees can effectively fulfill their roles while away from our office locations.

To assist our employees and community during these difficult times, we have placed further emphasis on social distancing and will operate with less than half of our staff in the office and the remainder working remotely. In addition, we are recommending that all meetings with clients be conducted via phone or webex. As this is subject to change, we are prepared to modify accordingly to support the evolving environment.

We know you depend on Canandaigua National Trust Company to partner with you and help guide you through difficult times, and we value that trust and partnership. We are confident we have taken all requisite preventative measures, and that you will be able to depend on us through these trying times. As always, reach out to your advisor with any questions or concerns that you have.

Posted by Kelly Sheridan at 03/20/2020 09:57:04 PM 
