
Social Security: When Is the Best Time to Start Collecting?

One of the hottest financial planning topics is Social Security planning. The strategy of filing and collecting at age 62 may seem simple, and when income is needed, can be a good one. However, as we all have paid into the system, it makes good financial sense to understand your options and to choose a strategy that is right for you.

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Diversifying Investment Accounts

The media have done a good job emphasizing the importance of diversification with regard to two factors: macro allocation and asset class allocation. However, there’s another very important diversification factor that’s often neglected: diversifying across account types (tax-deferred, taxable, and tax-free).

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Maintaining Your Financial Records: The Importance of Being Organized

An important part of managing your personal finances is keeping your financial records organized. Whether it's a utility bill to show proof of residency or a Social Security card for wage reporting purposes, there may be times when you need to locate a financial record or document--and you'll need to locate it relatively quickly.

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